Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my guitar

Ever since I got my first guitar I have been really excited!
But the problem is I can never find a good teacher I have gone through many teachers. They each tried all they could with there methods but none seemed to work. But then I stumbled on to a teacher named Tracy Rienheart. She taught me everything I needed to know.
Here are some pictures I made on photo booth

black and white
fish eye
green screen 1
green screen 2
I just finished my first guitar books and I am apparently her best student.


  1. So Proud of you River!!! Love the blog and love to hear you play your guitar!

    Love Mom

  2. rock on! I took lessons when i was your age, and wish i never gave it up, you have to show me your skills next time I see ya! and LOVE YOUR BLOG keep it coming!
    and cool shots with photo booth =)
    aunt donna

  3. You are going to get all the ladies with that guitar!! I love your blog dont stop i wanna read MOOOOORRREEEE
